Posts Tagged ‘USC’

Douchelord of the Day

There’s two today because I am feeling soooo down.

Oh hello NCAA. You get this title also today for screwing over USC, my lovely alma mater. Okay, so there was some shady stuff happening, but was it really necessary to punish us by rescinding a ton of scholarships, wins (the OU/USC Championship Bowl Game namely), money, and we’re out for two post seasons in football? They said USC had “a lack of institutional control, impermissible inducements, extra benefits, exceeding coach staff limits, and unethical conduct by an assistant football coach.” I think USC is appealing all the charges from football, which are basically based around Reggie Bush’s performance from 2004 on… losing all our wins while he was around? That makes me extremely butt hurt, so the NCAA is definitely the douchelord of the day. I am still hoping that these next 2 “rebuilding” years might mean that we’ll be back in fighting shape when we’re allowed to move on to bowl games again. Anyway, I am crying. My coworker just gave me a tissue to wipe up my tears.

Mourning Pete Carroll’s New Position

Pete Carroll is leaving my alma mater for the NFL. Despite offers in the past, he has decided to take the head coach position for the Seattle Seahawks and leave his legacy at USC behind. His previous NFL career was not glorious like his time at USC. I have read that perhaps he has always had some wish to return to the NFL eventually and try to rewrite his NFL coaching career. In the past, he has made statements that he was a professional college coach and that’s it, but I can see why he’d want to leave this year. This year has been, quite frankly, somewhat of a disaster for him. The (hot) freshman quarterback is not to take all the blame for the year. The defense this year was lackluster also, and who knows what all this change will bring. The university will be getting a new president who might attempt to raise the academic standards of our athletes, which would directly affect his style of recruiting. His youngest child is graduating, so there’s no concern about sticking around for the free tuition. And with the probes into Joe McKnight and Reggie Bush continuing, it may just be the perfect time to bow out. I will miss Pete Carroll and his winning phrases (and Mom will miss seeing him when she watches our games), but I hope he excels in the NFL and that USC continues its program as he made it.