Posts Tagged ‘movie’

Furry Walls

Everyone knows I love a good comedy, and while nothing has looked that as exciting as Role Models and The Hangover, I changed my mind. Please go out and see Get Him to the Greek. This movie was absolutely hysterical. I laughed so hard that my mother got embarrassed, but it was really that funny. It made about $18 million over the course of the weekend. Russell Brand is riiiidiculous in the film. Though Jonah Hill has clearly been eating all of Michael Cera’s food, he did a great job throwing up on camera and playing the adoring fan with responsibilities. P. Diddy/ Sean Combs/ Puff Daddy was in it, Meredith Viera, and there was even a cameo from Draco Malfoy (accompanied by a great Harry Potter joke). I also learned that if you smoke a Jeffrey, you have to stroke furry walls. Get yourself to a theater to see Get Him to the Greek now.

-Whitney J. Manson

An Aventura

Bad pun intended, but we did some exploring this weekend.

Friday night we enjoyed a night out at the Grove together, with stops at Mr. Moe’s for $2.50 well drinks during happy hour and then continued to Chili’s for dinner. We tried to watch 30 Rock when we got home, but Cameron fell asleep during it for the second week in a row.

Saturday, we wanted to go to the beach. The forecast looked perfect for a trek to Surfside, where Cameron’s classmate Phil lives. As we crossed the bridge to the island, the clouds came over us. My heart sunk a little because I knew what was next- rain. It did not pour, but it did rain off and on the entire day. We explored Surfside, which is a largely Jewish community. We walked around on the beach and through the town. There are high-rises right along the beach, and almost all the condos have an ocean view. They have beach chairs for the condos and most the places have pools too. They are building a St. Regis hotel there too, so all in all not a bad place to live! We ate Greek food for lunch, and a 2nd year student from the watchmaking school was our waitress! We went out to Aventura after lunch to possibly see Avatar and look around the shops. Aventura’s mall is incredible! It has almost all the stores I enjoy. They had Avatar on Imax there, but it wasn’t for about 3 more hours, so we opted to head back and watch a Blu-Ray DVD and see Avatar Sunday instead.

On Sunday, we met my great uncles and great-aunt for lunch in Hollywood, FL. They were in Boca Raton for the weekend to visit some friends of theirs and wanted to see us. It was a delightful lunch and I enjoyed seeing them for the first time since July. Next was some more exploration around Bal Harbor, and we went to a mall with giant diamonds and fancy watch stores. I wandered into stores I could not afford and enjoyed the window shopping while the boys looked at watches.

Then I stumbled upon a place called Books & Books. Books & Books is a privately owned book shop with four locations. Authors visit to speak and sign copies of their books, they have cafes and wine bars inside, and since it is privately owned, the book selection is more impressive. The one in Bal Harbor is not enormous, but it is a book store I could get lost in for hours! In my browsing, I found two signed copies of books I wanted to read. Nick Hornby, one of my favorite authors, came out with a book I wanted to read for a while now, but I did not see it at my old library or purchase it at a store. Then yesterday, there it was,Juilet, Naked, signed and waiting for me!  The other book I picked up was Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of Eat, Pray, Love. Since I enjoyed her first novel so much, I knew the second would be a great read and she signed it too. Now I can try to fill out the book shelves in our living room!

We finally saw Avatar on Imax 3D! Even though it is basically the story in Ferngully, I think everyone should see it for the stunning visual effects. The land was so fantastical and the plot kept you intrigued so that 3 hours felt like 30 minutes. If you choose to see it, which you should, make sure to see it in 3D.