Archive for Music

Douchelord of the Day

Ke$ha. Anyone who has a $ sign in their name should automatically fall into douchey crowning glory, but it wasn’t until I was reminded of her “singing” today why she belongs right here. Ke$ha does not sing. She talks to the tune of music, and the reason I really can’t stand her? Her talk-singing music is catchy, gets stuck in my head, and I find myself slightly enjoying the horror and disdain that is her, single-handedly ruining singing as a profession. I don’t understand why she neglects to shower, dresses like a poor hooker, and pretends to be drunk all the time. I truly am appalled and yet amazed at the same time- how did she become famous?

supes classy

Did you know that when you Google search her, “Ke$ha is ugly” is one of the top auto-fill options? I have no idea what’s under that hot mess, but I kind of agree thus far. Ke$ha is desecrating on the sanctity of my ears and eyes, but I am singing her stuff anyway- FAIL. Enjoy being the Douchelord of the Day!

Update: please read Lara’s opinion on hot mess Ke$ha here at

Hanson is kind of rad years later, were you aware? Listen to their cover of “Furry Walls” from Get Him to the Greek here! And, in case you are interested in some great/hilarious rock you can get the whole Infant Sorrows CD on iTunes now.

Blitzen Trapper

Be sure to go buy the new Blitzen Trapper album Destroyer of the Void. I adored their last album, Furr, for their unique sound and catchy tunes. My favorite on that album is definitely “Black River Killer”. Their music at some points sounds older because you can hear the influence of Bob Dylan, Nick Drake, The Beatles, The Band, and Neil Young all combined somehow? Their influences really do range from about 1960 to now. They all hail originally from Portland, Oregon, and work altogether on their music. I love their laid back type of folk/rock tunes that people across all generations can appreciate. Their music is perfect for a day at the beach, a day at work, and here’s a good selling point- my parents even like them. They tell stories through their poetry that’s lightly handled over the casual and sometimes bluesy tones. Give them a listen and let me know what you think!

Watch them TONIGHT on Jimmy Kimmel!

edward sharpe & the magnetic zeros

Please check out the band Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, my latest music obsession. I don’t even know how to describe them aside from amazing. Their full album, called “Up From Below” is on iTunes for only $7.99 right now (click HERE to download), and I promise you won’t be disappointed.

My brother seems to think their music videos are a little… odd and hippie-ish, but I think it goes along with their music, so watch it if you like hippies, but you might avoid it if you don’t. I think his description was, “This kind of reminds me of that scene from Into the Wild.”, which is an awesome movie too, you know if you’re interested in some off-beat hippie culture and the life story of a guy who lives in the wild. So yeah, he bought the album. My brother has great taste in life.

Anyway, back to my point- check out this band. My two favorites are “Home” and “40 Day Dream“, and from what I heard they were great live at Coachella. They will be playing at Lollapalooza, Bonnaroo, and the Telluride Bluegrass Festival and are touring all around America- all their dates are on their Myspace. Of course, they’re not coming to Florida… but maybe they’ll read this and change their mind? Please?